Turning Point Moments
True Inspirational Stories About
Creating a Life That Works for You
Featuring Kat Wells

100% of all publisher proceeds from the sale of this book will go toward supporting people who are experiencing turning point moments in their life through contributions to organizations like Pandemic of Love, The Teen Project and National Alliance on Mental Health.
Capucia LLC is proud to be a part of the Tree Neutral ® program. Tree Neutral offsets the number of trees consumed in the production and printing of this book by taking proactive steps such as planting trees in direct proportion to the number of trees used to print books. To learn more about Tree Neutral, please visit treeneutral.com.
What If Your Next Life Challenge Could Be the
Springboard to Your Greatest Joy and Success?
We don’t typically think of experiences like illness, death, betrayal, job loss, burnout, or accidents as the doorway to a more fulfilling and beautiful life. Yet, if you know how to look at these challenges in a different light, they can be powerful opportunities to turn your life around — in small and large ways.
Seeing a challenge through the prism of change is exactly how these 41 authors from 8 countries have emerged stronger and happier from what could have been devastating circumstances. How they turned job loss into a new business, relationship betrayal into deeper self-love, adrenal collapse into renewed health, loss of a spouse into a hope filled future, and so much more.
Let these stories of hope and inspiration guide you to and through your own turning point moment experience, where the things you thought could never turn out well, end up better than you ever dreamed possible.
Especially in these times, it’s essential now more than ever to gain the skills, insight and inspiration to be resilient, open to new possibilities and hopeful no matter what comes your way. These stories show you how.
Free Inspirational Tips From the Authors

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Book Endorsements
Turning Point Moments is a fundamental book for our times. It offers true, insightful stories by people from all walks of life about navigating challenges and how to come out the other side better than before.
The world is ripe for Turning Point Moments! This book speaks to these times of challenge in all areas of our lives. Real people who have navigated through dark times show you how to take the path of healing, hope, and new possibilities.
A graceful reminder that life is a dance between choice and surrender, and that both are necessary for a better future.
Just when you think that you have no more fight, the stories in Turning Point Moments give hope and provide the reader with a starting point to try and understand their own grief, to help recognize that we grow through what we go through. It is truly an inspirational read.
Turning points in life are like data points—ready to inspire the curious minds of those who are open and ready to receive! This book is a must-read.
The world needs more people to shine their light and help others do the same. This book does exactly that. It’s raw, vulnerable and powerful and worth the read.
Turning Point Moments is a collection of gripping, personal stories reminding us that life’s challenges can be a gateway to transformation and resiliency. This is a must-read awakening for those of us who desire fulfilling possibilities in our lives!
Turning Point Moments provides you with the courage and inspiration to step out and be who you were born to be! A must-read book, where every chapter reveals the hope, the strength, and the power inside all of us waiting to be set free!
Now is the perfect time to recognize that our Turning Point Moments can be the most empowering door to our own awakening. They offer us the possibility that the gift within the most challenging chapters of life can lead to an unimaginable, extraordinary journey. These stories are a guiding light on that journey.
In this fast-paced world where people don’t have time to reflect on what is happening around them, Turning Point Moments is the guide that provides incredible stories that offer a deeper understanding of life and its realities.
Kat Wells – Author

Best-Selling Author, Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Life Coach and Mindset Mentor Kat Wells graduated summa cum laude from Texas A & M University and trained under Dr. Sue Morter, founder of Morter Institute for BioEnergetics. Kat is a certified Energy Codes Master Trainer and founder of Kat Wells International. She provides coaching, seminars, and workshops worldwide, using her knowledge and skills to empower individuals and organizations to realize their full potential.
Christine Kloser – Publisher

Christine Kloser is a transformational author coach, USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, and award-winning publisher who helps successful professionals, experts and leaders fulfill their calling to write and publish a book that transforms lives in a powerful and permanent way… starting with their own.
She is the founder of the Get Your Book Done® program, host of the Get Your Book Done Podcast and creator of the Transformational Author Experience®, with trainings that have impacted 90,000 people in 127 countries. Christine has been featured in The New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, Los Angeles Times, and FOX, and has shared or hosted stages with the biggest names in the transformational author world like Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, Seth Godin, Gay Hendricks, Lisa Nichols and dozens more.
A transformational event facilitator since 1997, and author coach and publsiher since 2004, Christine inspires writers through her proven programs and trainings – where she brings all her expertise, heart and wisdom forward – delivering an authentic and refreshing approach to a crowded and often confusing author space.
Free Inspirational Tips From the Authors

Enter your name and email to download this valuable resource. If you don’t receive the tips via email timely, please be sure to check your email junk folder.
100% of all publisher proceeds from the sale of this book will go toward supporting people who are experiencing turning point moments in their life through contributions to organizations like Pandemic of Love, The Teen Project and National Alliance on Mental Health.
Capucia LLC is proud to be a part of the Tree Neutral ® program. Tree Neutral offsets the number of trees consumed in the production and printing of this book by taking proactive steps such as planting trees in direct proportion to the number of trees used to print books. To learn more about Tree Neutral, please visit treeneutral.com.